Monday, February 14, 2005

Singapore Airport

We've just arrived in Singapore Airport, and are waiting around for four hours until our flight to Ho Chi Minh City.

We had the noisiest bloke on the plane sitting right behind us. He coughed, sneezed and spluttered the whole night. And they weren't just little coughs, they were loud, whooping, throaty coughs. We thought we'd got rid of him when we got off the plane, but he followed us everywhere we went. Lorelle went to the bathroom and I waited outside and sure enough, he went into the same bathroom. We think half the airport could hear him coughing from in the bathroom.

We then went to a bar to have a quiet OJ, and next thing, we heard the sound - a flemmy, throaty growl and cough, and there he was, in the bar with us, spluttering away. Singapore airport is huge, and he has so far managed to turn up where ever we go here. We're going to keep avoiding him and have a look around - here's hoping he's not going to Vietnam on our flight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More snogging less blogging. Good to hear the big day went well. Hope Mrs McDonald back has recovered for a round of Golf or whatever married couples get up to on their honeymoon.