Friday, February 18, 2005

Co Chi Tunnels

We've been doing a bit so, Dave is going to talk in this post, and Lorelle in the next one:

A driver, named Tung, in a very nice private car, took us to the Cu Chi Tunnels, about 50 Km outside of Saigon. These are the tunnel systems that the Viet Cong built during the Vietnam war, and they are unbelievably deep and intricate, and stretch for miles underground. We got to crawl through a section of them and they are very small - we just squeezed through them and you feel very claustrophobic inside them.

The whole are of Cu Chi was constantly bombed, napalmed and had Agent Orange dropped on it, but most of the tunnel systems remained intact. There are huge bomb craters everywhere and the jungle growth is only just starting to grow back now, but on a limited scale. They say it will take 100 years at least for the jungle to fully restore.

My highlight was the firing range, where you can choose between a variety of guns and fire real bullets at targets, for $1 US a bullet. I fired 10 bullets on a AK47, which was great, and very loud, and 10 bullets on a Thompson M1. I had some serious Nam flashbacks - it was great.

In the afternoon, we checked out of our hotel in Saigon and got a minibus down to Cantho, in the Mekong Delta. The trip was 167K, took four hours and cost us $4 each. Highway 1, the main highway in Vietnam, feels like you are in Iraq with traffic madness and trucks everywhere.

Lorelle will post for us tomorrow, and talk about Cantho and the Mekong Delta.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys sound like you are having to much fun for a Honey Moon.?
Great to hear that you are both enjoying yourself. Hope Lorelle's back is better? Great Wedding Day. Quirks had a great day & so did Peta, thanks for that.
All is good on the plant front. Nothing has died yet? Oh by the way David, another one of your mates called: DON BOURKE, he want's to know how you garden is growing. I advised him that you were away on a GREENIE CONFERENCE somewhere.
Well, keep having fun and look forward to your updates.

Lots of Love from all the Quirks.

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, I forget the f------ Pass woord as I am Anonymous , but will always put who's comments are from

Love Joey Quirk

David McDonald said...

Hi Joey and the Quirks,

Thanks for the comment. It is great to have people say hi on our blog. My back is fine. No problemo. Glad to hear Dave's babies (his plants) are OK. He will be impressed.

See ya soon...Keep reading our blog!

Lots of love Mrs McDonald